
Notification Period:
01 December 2022
31 January 2023
Apropos to the directives of the Ministry of Education vide letter no. REF: DSE, SPCD/ Admin.(l.1) 2022/698 dated 10th November 2022 from the Director General, Department of School Education, MoE, Thimphu, and subsequent Phuentsholing Thromde's .....

Public Notification

Notification Period:
01 December 2022
01 January 2023
This is to inform the general public that as per the letter no. NLCS/DoLAM/LMD-Lease(Bl2) /2022- 23/008585 dated 24th October, 2022 the Thromde has been delegated the responsibility of issuing Letters of Interest (Lol) required for the processing of.....

Public Notification

Notification Period:
22 November 2022
22 December 2022
The Phuentsholing Thromde would like to notify all the residents that the Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture & Forest in partnership with De-suung office and with supports from stakeholder will be rolling out the final phase .....


Notification Period:
17 November 2022
30 November 2022
This is notifying the public residents of Rakheldara under Kabreytar LAP that Phuentsholing Thromde had awarded the work “Blacktopping of Rakheldara Road” to M/s Dkans construction.