Public Notification

Notification Period:
15 March 2023
15 April 2023
The issue of urban cleanliness has moved to the forefront of many agencies priority, but the efforts put forth were always in vain. From sensitization to monitoring and enforcement were put in place by Thromde to maintain health & hygiene .

Public Notification

Notification Period:
27 February 2023
02 March 2023
Phuentsholing Thromde would like to gently remind the general public to partake in the Zero Waste Hour which is observed on the 2nd Day of every month(4:00PM-5:00PM).

Public Notification

Notification Period:
02 February 2023
31 March 2023
Phuentsholing Thromde has observed that the aesthetic of the city has been deteriorated by the unorganized hanging of the cables from building to building. This has so happened due to the cable operators providing the TV/ telephone lines without obtaining